Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cerro Castillo

While in Coyhaique we decided to try and climb Cerro Castillo. It was a three day trip and we had pretty good weather for it. When we got up to the couloir we needed to take to get to the top we were breaking and the bottom of it and while sitting there a bowling bowl size rock came flying out of the couloir. We watched it some more and saw more rock fall so we decided to try a different couloir. We ended up topping out and not able to get to the summit from where we were. It was a fun climb and we had some great views.
The hike in
Cerro Castillo
Hiking in
Where the coulor topped out
Matt and I with the prayer flag
Camp was down in hte trees at the bottom of the valley
Matt back in camp

1 comment:

Evan said...

Great pics David, looks like you guys are having a good time. I´ll have to get some beta from you on the climbing around there.