Thursday, October 29, 2009

Around Guatemala

Here are some more photos of what I´ve been doing in Guatemala besides school.
Some local kids
Hydro Power (This was built by the Germans and powers 3 towns)

Second Week of the Stove Project
Third Week of the Stove Project (Completed)
Church in Zunil
If you look close you can see the bridge is made of rebar pieces welded together and rotting wood.
Zunil with Santa Maria in the background.
Some of the local forest. Lots of pine trees here.
Tajumulco Crater
Top of Volcano Tajumulco

The clouds started to roll in on Tajumulco
Tajumulco in the distance.
Fields of these flowers are everywhere.
Xela Cemetery
Volcano Santiaguito Errupting behind Santa Maria
Drug addicts cut off the heads of the sculptures in the cemetery and sell them for money.
The Cemetery

Iralia, Katie, April, and Me
Top of Santa Maria looking towards Xela.

1 comment:

Auntie Ange said...

David! These pictuers are awesome. The forest especially is really neat looking.
Volcanoes, cemeteries, drug addicts...what more could you want? Glad you're having a good time!