Friday, December 25, 2009

East Coast

At the end of November I returned back to the States and headed out to the East Coast to see family. While there I also headed down to South Carolina to get my Wilderness First Responder Certificate. It was a 8 day course and I learned alot about wilderness first aid while there. I will be in Virgina for a couple more days before I head out to Colorado to meet a friend and then we will be heading to South America.
Sunrise over Greenville, South Carolina
WFR Group Photo
Dupont State Forest
Washington D.C. the Capitol

Costa Rica

The last week and a half of my trip I spent in Costa Rica. I also met up with friends Stoney and Jodie while there for Thanksgiving. I spent my time in Monteverde, La Fortuna and Playa Tamarindo. While in Playa Tamarindo I got to see Leather Back Turtles laying eggs but I don't have nay pictures since cameras were not allowed.
Stoney and Jodie on the Hanging Bridges in Monteverde
Me on a bridge
Santa Elena National Park
Hummingbird, there are over 50 kinds of hummingbirds in Costa Rica
Pit Viper
Orange Kneed Tarantula
Canopy Tour
Stoney and Jodie coming in on the zip line
Playa Tamarindo Sunset


I only spent about four days in Nicaragua before I needed to head on. It was real nice I spent my time in Granada which is on Lake Nicaragua and the surrounding area.
Looking back towards Granada
Volcano of gassing
Granada from the bell tower
Central Cathedral