Sunday, November 22, 2009

Utila and Roatan

I spent a week in Utila and Roatan diving. I enjoyed Utila alot more prices were less and it had more of a backpacker crowd. While there I got my Advanced Open Water cert. All this means now is that I can dive to 100ft. I did 9 dives in total on the islands and really enjoyed it. I saw all kinds of sealife such as Parrot Fish, Rays, Squid and Porcipine Fish to name a few. I was really hopping to see Whale Sharks but no luck.

The Dive Boat
Sailing over to Roatan. It was just me and the captian on the boat and once we set sail he informed me he was really hungover from the night before. He just put the boat on autopilot or something and passed out. Luckly it was calm sailing and he woke in time to dock us.
Sunset from Roatan

Copan Ruinas Honduras

Copan Ruinas is on the border between Guetemala and Honduras. Its one of the few preserved Mayan cities in the world.

The living area

The Ball court

When people died they were buried at the corner of their house.
This was the best sculpture I thought
All the carvings tell a story
This is a replica of one of the temples that was found under other temples. When a new King took over they would build a new temple on top of the old ones.
You can still see some of the original color on some sculptures.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lago Atitlan and Antigua

Horseback riding
Riding through town.
Lago Atitlan
The group
The lake
Lago Atitlan
Lago Atitlan
Some kind of flower
The trail up the Pacaya Volcano
The lava........soon after this pic some lava broke loose and almost took some people out.
Old Cathedral
Old Cripts under the Cathedral