Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Leaving for the Winter!

Today I leave for Anchorage and it marks the start of my travels. I will first be going to Hawaii for a week to do some diving and relaxing. Then I will be flying to Guatemala to study Spanish and hopefully find some volunteer work. Then I will be working my way across Honduras, Nicaragua and into Costa Rica. From there I will fly to Virgina for the Holidays and to get my Wilderness First Responder training. At the end of December I will be traveling out to Colorado to meet my friend Matt and we will be heading down to South America for four months. We will be traveling to Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil. We plan to climb and do some sightseeing. I will do my best to keep the blog update during all of this so stay tuned. If you happen to be along the route let me know and I will try and stop by to say hi.

Summer 2009

This summer was very busy but I managed to fit in some time for fun. I bought a Alpacka raft this summer, took the motorcycle out some, did a backcountry trip into the park and finaly climbed Mt. Panorama.

Rafting the Savage River.

View from the top of Panorama.
On the summit.
Looking towards the summit.
Windy Creek
Backpacking in the Polychrome area.
We got snowed on.
Packing for South America.

Spring 2009

This last Spring was very busy for me with final projects due, graduation and driving to Alaska but I still made time for skiing on the weekends. I started backcountry skiing this year and did most of it in Cameron Pass, Colorado.

Checking the snow condition.

Back to Alaska!