Saturday, December 27, 2008


So I made it to Mendoza after about 30 hours of traveling. I thought my bags were lost when I got here but after awhile they finallycame off the plane, they were the last two on board. Right now I´m waiting for the other three guys to show up. Tonight we have a meeting with our muletiers and then we have to get permits and catch the bus to Penitentes tomorrow. It will be a real trick tomorrow since the permit office opens at nine and we leave on the bus at 1015 so we will see if we can make it or not. Hopefully we will or we will lose a day for the climb. Hope everyone is doing well back home and I will try to post again tomorrow if I get a chance.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Aconcagua Training Hike to Grey Rock

As some of you may or may not know I'm heading to Argentina over Christmas to climb Aconcagua (22,841ft.). Originally I was going on a school sponsored trip and then that fell through but four of us decided we wanted to still go. So we have been training, coordinating and getting everything ready for this trip over the last couple of months. Most people that climb Aconcagua go with a guided group but we feel that we have the skill to accomplish this without guides. The hardest part so far has been figuring out all the logistics for the trip. Since we are not being guided we are having to arrange mule services and other things that normally a guiding company would take care of. Below are some pictures of the team members Brian, Doug, Matt and Me on a training climb of Grey Rock here in Colorado.

Changing layers.

Resting before climbing to the top.

Grey Rock

Looking down at what we just hiked up.

On the top.

Grey Rock

Back at the car packing up.
(Left to Right, Matt, Doug and Brian)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama Rally at CSU

On Sunday Barack Obama came to school for a rally, so I waited in line for 3.5 hours to only get to see 10 minutes of his speech and barely be able to see him. But I wasn't willing to stand in line for 8 hours like some people did to get up front.
Barack is up there somewhere

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Colorado 2008

Playing on the swing at Pingree Park

Brian and I on the swing, I'm on the right

Doug and Brian on the swing

Swing Bridge over the Cache La poudre

The Cache La Poudre River

Alaska Summer 2008

Anna just after about falling in the Teklanika

The Teklanika headwaters

Looking up the teklanika River

Alaska State Troopers Helicopter Searching

The Musqitos were getting bad

Looking down the Savage River

Searching the Savage River
Search and Rescue Team Grouping up for hike out

Working up on Sable Pass

Usibelli Coal Mine

Winter 2007/2008


El Capitan

Yosemite Valley

Sequoia kings Canyon National Park

Tree huggin

282 Feet Below Sea Level

Death Valley

Caesers Palace Las Vegas

Eric on the Hoover Dam
Grand Canyon

Can you see Forrest Gump?

Four Corners

Mesa Verde

Snowboarding at Keystone

Bellagio Hotel

View of Las Vegas from the hotel

Monument Valley

Arches National Park

Bryan trying to fly

An Arch

Alaska Summer 2007

Riding on the Denali Highway



On the glaicer

Drainage of the Toklat

Night Shift look at Denali

Teklanika Pit

Moving School to Work Cabins for the Park

Coming down Fox Creek

Krusty and I topping out

Me climbing

Getting ready to climb

Ice Climbing Fox Creek

Old Moose kill

Recent Moose kill

Two bears stopped me from going any further

Hiking by the Teklanika River