Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Queen Mary 2 The worlds largest cruise ship.
Queensland Coast Line
A Bird

Friday, February 23, 2007

Fuel ship off load.
McMurdo dock.
Open Water, the ice blew out of the turning basin.
Cargo Vessel almost downloaded. When it pulled in it was loaded up past the red line on the boat.
Milvans waiting to be loaded back onto the ship to head north.

The Pole
The Geographic Pole
Krusty and I at the 10 meter telescope.
New South Pole Station.
This was one of the big projects for the year to send the 10 meter telescope to the South Pole. It was built in the States taken apart and shiped to New Zealand then loaded onto the C-17 and flown to McMurdo. Then we had to re-restrain it again so it could then be shipped to the South Pole on C-130s. It took about 2 months of work to get it to the South Pole once it arrived in New Zealand. Then about two months for it to be erected at the Pole.