Cape Evans Hut. This hut is about 10-15 miles from station. One night we took a recreation trip out to see the hut. It was used during Scott's expedition to the south pole. It was also used by some of Shackeltons men during one of his expeditions. This hut was used in the early 1900s.
Sea ice runway and all its action. The white plane is a SAFAIR plane that the Italains use, the red and white ones are twim otters and the basler which are contracted from Kenn Borek in Canada and the C-130s are run by the New York Air National Guard.
Mt. Erebus early in the morning, this was taken from the sea ice runway and town is of to the left out of the picture.
One of the last sunrises for the year. This is about 3:00 AM.
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